What does an IT Strategy look like?

I was asked this question recently so thought i’d take a stab at answering it. For me, there are two types of answer to the question of what does an IT Strategy look like:

  1. A structural or presentational answer

  2. A ‘questions to be answered’ answer

How we structure an IT Strategy is dependent on a couple of factors such as, what is the prevailing or expected format that is acceptable within the organisation? related to this is how mature the organisation is? When i used to deliver IT Strategy consulting i would make use of a template that would provide the overarching structure of the strategy document, as most strategies need to make sure they cover the same areas, however i would test out the template with stakeholders, and tailor the template and the level detailed work required based on an understanding of the prevailing way of doing things within an organisation. If we don’t do this then we literally risk getting sent back to the drawing board if our presentation of the strategy doesn’t meet expected standards or norms.

Regardless of organisational nuance i think there are some key sections that we need to include in any IT Strategy we create (in no particular order):

  1. An executive summary

  2. Some form of plan or objectives

  3. Some form of expression of the business context and imperative

  4. A definition of mission or vision for the strategy

  5. An expression of the current state

  6. An expression of the change that is required

  7. Definition of how activation of strategy will be governed

  8. Risk management

  9. Financial management

  10. Key measures

  11. Target architecture(s)

  12. Definition of the operating model that will deliver the strategy and people/supplier implications

Every IT strategy I have created or read had either all or 90% of these elements, and maybe an additional 10-15% of elements to meet specific organisational needs.

In relation to point 2, the ‘questions to be answered’, if we take a leaf our of Lafley and Martin’s book, then questions we should answer in our strategy are:

  • What is our winning aspiration?

  • Where are we going to play?

  • How are we going to win? (worth including what winning means in your specific strategic context)

  • What capabilities will be decisive?

  • What management systems will we need?

In addition i think there are some additional key questions that we should make sure we answer for ourselves and our stakeholders:

  • What are the drivers for change? (and perhaps what is the risk of not taking this route)

  • How is this going to make things better (for stakeholder x) and how will we know

  • What needs to be true for this strategy to be a success? (and how are you going to overcome those obstacles)

  • How will we know that we are successfully activating the strategy, and how will we correct course?

  • What investment is required?

What about you, what for you are key components (whether structural or questions to be answer) to a good IT Strategy?


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